Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Mlekomat

This is where we get our milk.  These Mlekomats are all over the place here and draw a lot of attention.  It is novel enough that people are always taking pictures and videos of the machine in use, and we have been the subject of these many times (you could probably search YouTube and find us in a starring role somewhere).  We have also been the Good Samaritans to several first-timers…like we did on our inaugural run, most watch someone else use it and then stare at the machine waiting for some revelation in instruction.

Mlekomats are becoming increasingly popular here with the trend toward drinking unpasteurized milk.  They are high-tech – the machine cleans itself with ultraviolet light after each use and won’t serve milk if the storage temperature gets outside of a specified range.  And they don't serve milk that is more than twenty-four hours old, so it's like getting it right from the cow.

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