Monday, February 21, 2011

Tina Maze

National pride is a great thing, and we got to witness some of it in Preseren Square Sunday evening.  Earlier in the week, Tina Maze had become the first Slovenian to win a gold medal in world Alpine skiing.  Tina is extremely popular here and had won two silver medals at the last Winter Olympics.  So, a welcome home celebration was set up in the square with a performance by the most popular Slovenian rock band, Siddharta.
As luck would have it, we had lined up a babysitter for the evening and decided to walk across the bridge and check it out.  Talk about energy…the square was packed with people waving banners and flags, everyone knew (and sang) every word to every song played, and people ran down the street as Tina left to congratulate her.  I wish I would have had my camera along.
I’m a bit too old to be getting into Slovenian rock bands, but one of the guys behind me convinced me I needed to “check them out.”  So, I made that a top priority this morning.  Turns out, I like them.

1 comment:

  1. A BABYSITTER?? You found one and it wasn't front page blog news?? Good for you guys!!
